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st of the Great Schools had been formed; including the Bene Gesserit; the Mentats; and the Swordmasters。
 Upon learning of my interest; prominent writers approached me with offers of collaboration。 But in tossing ideas around with them I couldn't visualize the project ing to fruition。 They were excellent writers; but in bination with them I didn't feel the necessary synergy for such a monumental task。 So I kept turning to other projects; avoiding the big one。 Besides; while Dad had sprinkled many provocative loose ends in the fifth and sixth books of the series; he had written an afterword for CHAPTERHOUSE: DUNE that was a marvelous dedication to my late mother; Beverly Herbert  his wife of nearly four decades。 They had been a writing team in which she edited his work and acted as a sounding board for his overflow of ideas。。。so with both of them gone it seemed a fitting conclusion to leave the project untouched。
 The trouble was; a fellow named Ed Kramer kept after me。 An acplished editor and sponsor of science fiction/fantasy conventions; he wanted to put together an anthology of short stories set in the Dune universe  stories by different; well…known authors。 He convinced me that it would be an interesting; significant project; and we talked about coediting it。 All the details weren't finalized; since the project had a number of plexities; both legal and artistic。 In the midst of this; Ed told me he had received a letter from best…selling author Kevin J。 Anderson; who had been invited to contribute to the proposed anthology。 He suggested what he called a 〃shot in the dark;〃 asking about the possibility of working at novel length; preferably on a sequel to CHAPTERHOUSE: DUNE。
 Kevin's enthusiasm for the Dune universe fairly jumped off the pages of his letter。 Still; I delayed answering him for around a month; not certain how to respond。 Despite his proven skills; I was hesitant。 This was a big decision。 By now I knew I wanted to be involved closely in the project; and that I needed to participate to such a degree in order to ensure the production of a novel of integrity; one that would be faithful to the original series。 Along with J。R。R。 Tolkien's LORD OF THE RINGS and a handful of other works; DUNE stood as one of the greatest creative achievements of all time; and arguably the greatest example of science fiction world…building in the history of literature。 For the sake of my father's legacy; I couldn't select the wrong person。 I read everything I could get my hands on that Kevin had written; and did more checking on him。 It soon became clear to me that he was a brilliant writer; and that his reputation was sterling。 I decided to give him a telephone call。
 We hit it off immediately; both on a personal and professional level。 Aside from the fact that I genuinely liked him; I felt an energy between us; a remarkable flow of ideas that would benefit the series。 After obtaining the concurrence of my family; Kevin and I decided to write a prequel  but not one set in the ancient times; long before DUNE。 Instead we would go to events only thirty or forty years before the beginning of DUNE; to the love story of Paul's parents; to the Planetologist Pardot Kynes being dispatched to Arrakis; to the reasons for the terrible; destructive enmity between House Atreides and House Harkonnen; and much more。
 Before writing a detailed outline; we set to work rereading all six Dune books my father had written; and I took it upon myself to begin assembling a massive DUNE CONCORDANCE  an encyclopedia of all the characters; places; and wonders of the Dune universe。 Of primary concern to us; we needed to determine where Dad had been heading with the conclusion of the series。 It was clear that he was building up to something momentous in DUNE 7; and without intending to do so he had left us with a mystery。 There were no known notes or other clues; only my memory that Dad had been using a yellow highlighter on paperback copies of HERETICS OF DUNE and CHAPTERHOUSE: DUNE shortly before his death  books that no one could locate after he was gone。
 In early May 1997; when I finally met Kevin J。 Anderson and his wife; the author Rebecca Moesta; new story ideas fairly exploded from our minds。 In a frenzy the three of us either scribbled them down or recorded them on tape。 From these notes; scenes began to unfold; but still we wondered and debated where Dad had been going with the series。
 In the last two books; HERETICS OF DUNE and CHAPTERHOUSE: DUNE; he had introduced a new threat  the reviled Honored Matres  who proceeded to lay waste to much of the galaxy。 By the end of CHAPTERHOUSE; the characters had been driven into a corner; utterly beaten。。。and then the reader learned that the Honored Matres themselves were running from an even greater mysterious threat。。。a peril that was drawing close to the protagonists of the story; most of whom were Bene Gesserit Reverend Mothers。
 A scant two weeks after our meeting; I received a telephone call from an estate lawyer who had handled matters involving my mother and father。 He informed me that two safety…deposit boxes belonging to Frank Herbert had turned up in a suburb of Seattle; boxes that none of us knew existed。 I made an appointment to meet with the bank authorities; and in an increasing air of excitement the safety…deposit boxes were opened。 Inside were papers and old…style floppy puter disks that included prehensive notes from an unpublished DUNE 7  the long…awaited sequel to CHAPTERHOUSE: DUNE! Now Kevin and I knew for certain where Frank Herbert had been headed; and we could weave the events of our prequel into a future grand finale for the series。
 We turned with new enthusiasm to the task of putting together a book proposal that could be shown to publishers。 That summer I had a trip to Europe scheduled; an anniversary celebration that my wife Jan and I had been planning for a long time。 I took along a new laptop puter and a featherweight printer; and Kevin and I exchanged FedEx packages all summer long。 By the time I returned at the end of the summer; we had a massive 141…page trilogy proposal  the largest that either of us had ever seen。 My allied DUNE CONCORDANCE project; the encyclopedia of all the marvelous treasures of the Dune universe; was a little over half…pleted; with months of intensive work remaining before it would be finished。
 As we waited to see if a publisher would be interested; I remembered the many writing sessions I had enjoyed with my father; and my early novels in the 1980s that had received his loving; attentive suggestions for improvement。 Everything I had learned from him  and more  would be needed for this huge prequel project。
 …Brian Herbert
 I never met Frank Herbert; but I knew him well through the words he wrote。 I read DUNE when I was ten years old; and reread it several times over the years; then I read and enjoyed all of the sequels。 GOD EMPEROR OF DUNE; hot off the presses; was the very first hardcover novel I ever purchased (I was a freshman in college)。 Then I worked my way through every single one of his other novels; diligently checking off the titles on the 〃Other Books By〃 page in each new novel。 THE GREEN BRAIN; HELLSTROM'S HIVE; THE SANTAROGA BARRIER; THE EYES OF HEISENBERG; DESTINATION: VOID; THE JESUS INCIDENT; and more and more and more。
 To me; Frank Herbert was the pinnacle of what science fiction could be  thought…provoking; ambitious; epic in scope; well…researched; and entertaining  all in the same book。 Other science fiction novels succeed in one or more of these areas; but DUNE did it all。 By the time I was five years old; I had decided I wanted to be a writer。 By the time I was twelve; I knew I wanted to write books like the ones Frank Herbert wrote。
 Throughout college; I published a handful of short stories; then began to write my first novel; RESURRECTION; INC。; a plex tale set in a future world where the dead are reanimated to serve the living。 The novel was full of social mentary; religious threads; a large cast of characters; and (yes) a wheels…within…wheels plot。 By this time; I had enough writing credits to join the Science Fiction Writers of America。。。and one of the main benefits was the Membership Directory。 There; before my eyes; was the home address of Frank Herbert。 I promised myself that I would send him the very first signed copy。 The novel sold almost immediately to Signet Books。。。but before its publication date; Frank Herbert died。
 I had avidly read the last two Dune books; HERETICS and CHAPTERHOUSE; in which Herbert had launched a vast new saga that built to a fever pitch; literally destroyed all life on the planet Arrakis; and left the human race on the brink of extinction  that's where Frank Herbert left the story upon his death。 I knew that his son Brian was also a professional writer with several science fiction novels under his belt。 I waited; and hoped; that Brian would plete a draft manuscript; or at least flesh out an outline his father had left behind。 Someday soon; I hoped; faithful DUNE readers would have a resolution to this cliffhanger。
 Meanwhile; my own writing career flourished。 I was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award and the Nebula Award; two of my thrillers were bought or optioned by majo

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