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小说: srdonaldson.theillearthwar 字数: 每页4000字

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f expected thick; Laval ichor to e rushing up through it。 As he moved; he played nervously with his ring; as if that small circle were the binding of his self…control。
 Elena quickened her steps。 He could see in her back that she was impelled by her mounting eagerness for the Power of mand。
 At last; the tunnel changed。 Its floor swung in a tight curve to the left; and its right wall broke off; opening into another crevice。 This rift immediately became a substantial gulf。 The stone shelf of the road narrowed until it was barely ten feet wide; then divided into rude steep stairs as it curved downward。 In moments; the High Lord's party was on a stairway which spiraled around a central shaft into the chasm。
 Many hundreds of feet below them; a fiery red glow lit the bottom of the gulf。 Covenant felt that he was peering into an inferno。
 He remembered where he had seen such light before。 It was rocklight…radiated stone…shine like that which the Cavewights used under Mount Thunder。
 The descent affected him like vertigo。 Within three rounds of the shaft; his head was reeling。 Only Elena's unwavering light; and his acute concentration as he negotiated the uneven steps; saved him from pitching headlong over the edge。 But he was grimly determined not to ask either Elena or Bannor for help。 He could afford no more indebtedness; it would nullify his bargain; tip the scales of payment against him。 No! he muttered to himself as he lurched down the steps。 No。 No more。 Don't be so bloody helpless。 Save something to bargain with。 Keep going。 Distantly; he heard himself panting; 〃Don't touch me。 Don't touch me。〃
 A spur of nausea roweled him。 His muscles bunched as if they were bracing for a fall。 But he hugged his chest; and clung to Elena's light for support。 Her flame bobbed above her like a tongue of courage。
 Slowly its blue illumination took on a red tinge as she worked down toward the gulf's glow。
 He made the descent grimly; mechanically; like a volitionless puppet stalking down the irregular steps of his designated end。 Round by round; he approached the source of the rocklight。 Soon the red illumination made the Staffs flame unnecessary; and High Lord Elena extinguished it。 Ahead of her; Amok began to move more swiftly; as if he were impatient; jealous of all delays which postponed the resolution of his existence。 But Covenant followed at his own pace; effectively unconscious of anything but the spiraling stairs and his imperious dizziness。 He went down the last distance through a high wash of rocklight as numbly as if he were sleepwalking。
 When he reached the flat bottom; he took a few wooden steps toward the lake; then stopped; covered his eyes against the deep; fiery; red light; and shuddered as if his nerves jangled on the edge of hysteria。
 Ahead of him; Amok crowed jubilantly; 〃Behold; High Lord! The sunless lake of Earthroot! Unheavened sap and nectar of great Melenkurion Skyweir; the sire of mountains) Ah; behold it。 The long years of my purpose are nearly done。〃 His words echoed clearly away; as if they were seconded by scores of light crystal voices。
 Drawing a tremulous breath; Covenant opened his eyes。 He was standing on the gradual shore of a still lake which spread out before him as far as he could see。 Its stone roof was high; hidden in shadows; but the lake was lit everywhere by rocklight burning in the immense pillars which stood up like columns through the lakeor like roots of the mountain reaching down to the water。 These columns or roots were evenly spaced along and across the cavern; they were repeated regularly into the vast distance。 Their rocklight; and the vibrant stillness of the lake; gave the whole place a cloistral air; despite its size。 Earthroot was a place to make mere mortals humble and devout。
 It made Covenant feel like a sacrilege in the sanctified and august temple of the mountains。
 The lake was so still…it conveyed such an impression of weight; massiveness…that it looked more like fluid bronze than water; a liquid cover for the unfathomable abysses of the Earth。 The rocklight gleamed on it as if it were burnished。
 〃Is this…?〃 Covenant croaked; then caught himself as his question ran echoing lightly over the water; restating itself without diminishment into the distance。 He could not bring himself to go on。 Even the low shuffling of his boots on the stone echoed as if it carried some kind of prophetic significance。
 But Amok took up the question gaily。 〃Is the Power of mand here; in Earthroot?〃 The echoes laughed as he laughed。 〃No。 Earthroot but partakes。 The heart of the Seventh Ward lies beyond。 We must cross over。〃
 High Lord Elena asked the next question carefully; as if she; too; were timid in the face of the awesome lake。 〃How?〃
 〃High Lord; a way will be provided。 I am the way and the door…I have not brought you to a pathless end。 But the use of the way will be in your hands。 This is the last test。 Only one word am I permitted to say: do not touch the water。 Earthroot is strong and stern。 It will take no account of mortal flesh。〃
 〃What must we do now?〃 she inquired softly to minimize the echoes。
 〃Now?〃 Amok chuckled。 〃Only wait; High Lord。 The time will not be long。 Behold! Already the way approaches。〃
 He was standing with his back to the lake; but as he spoke he gestured behind him with one arm。 As if in answer to this signal; a boat came into sight around a pillar some distance from the shore。
 The boat was empty。 It was a narrow wooden craft; pointed at both ends。 Except for a line of bright reflective gilt along its gunwales and thwarts; it was unadorned…a clean; simple work smoothly formed of light brown wood; and easily long enough to seat five people。 But it was unoccupied; no one rowed or steered it。 Without making a ripple; it swung gracefully around the pillar; and glided shoreward。 Yet in
 Earthroot's sacramental air; it did not seem strange; it was a proper and natural adjunct of the bronze lake。 Covenant was not surprised to see that it carried no oars。
 He watched its approach as if it were an instrument of dread。 It made his wedding ring itch on his finger。 He glanced quickly at his hand; half expecting to see that the band glowed or changed color。 The argent metal looked peculiarly vivid in the rocklight; it weighed heavily on his hand; tingled against his skin。 But it revealed nothing。 〃Have mercy;〃 he breathed as if he were speaking directly to the white gold。 Then he winced as his voice tripped away in light echoes; spread by a multitude of crystal repetitions。
 Amok laughed at him; and clear peals of glee joined the mimicry。
 High Lord Elena was now too enrapt in Earthroot to attend Covenant。 She stood on the shore as if she could already smell the Power of mand; and waited like an acolyte for the empty boat。
 Soon the craft reached her。 Silently; it slid its prow up the dry slope; and stopped as if it were ready; expectant。
 Amok greeted it with a deep obeisance; then leaped lithely aboard。 His feet made no sound as they struck the planks。 He moved to the far end of the craft; turned; and seated himself with his arms on the gunwales; grinning like a monarch。
 First Mark Morin followed Amok。 Next; High Lord Elena entered the craft; and placed herself on a seat board near its middle。 She held the Staff of Law across her knees。 Covenant saw that his turn had e。 Trembling; he walked down the shore to the wooden prow。 Apprehension beat in his temples; but he repressed it。 He clutched the gunwales with both hands; climbed into the craft。 His boots thudded and echoed on the planks。 As he sat down; he seemed to be surrounded by the clatter of unseemly burdens。
 Bannor shoved the boat into the lake; and sprang immediately aboard。 But by the time he had taken his seat; the boat had glided to a halt。 It rested as if it
 were fused to the burnished water a few feet from shore。
 For a moment; no one moved or spoke。 They sat bated and hushed; waiting for the same force which had brought the boat to carry it away again。 But the craft remained motionless…fixed like a censer in the red; still surface of the lake。
 The pulse in Covenant's head grew sharper。 Harshly; he defied the echoes。 〃Now what do we do?〃
 To his surprise; the boat slid forward a few feet。 But it stopped again when the repetitions of his voice died。 Once again; the High Lord's party was held; trapped。
 He stared about him in astonishment。 No one spoke。 He could see thoughts concentrate the muscles of Elena's back。 He looked at Amok once; but the youth's happy grin so dismayed him that he tore his gaze away。 The ache of his suspense began to seem unendurable。
 Bannor's unexpected movement startled him。 Turning; he saw that the Bloodguard had risen to his feet。 He lifted his seat board from its slots。
 For an oar! Covenant thought。 He felt a sudden upsurge of excitement。
 Bannor held the board in both hands; braced himself against the side of the boat; and prepared to paddle。
 As the end of the board touched the water; some power grabbed it; wrenched it instantly from his grasp。 It was snatched straight down into the lake。 There was no splash or ripple; but the board vanished like a stone hurled into the depths。
 Bannor gazed after it; and cocked o

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