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小说: srdonaldson.theillearthwar 字数: 每页4000字

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 The fare of Revelwood was simple but excellent it made up in convivial gusto what it lacked in plexity…and all the Lords and Lorewardens were bountifully supplied with meats; rice; cheeses; bread; fruit; and springwine。 Warmed by the glow of Revelwood's wele; the High Lord's pany ate with enthusiasm; talking and joking all the while with their hosts and the busy students。 Then; when the eating was done; High Lord Elena presided over an entertainment which the students had prepared。 Champions of the Sword gave demonstrations of gymnastics and blade work; and the apprentices of the Staff told an intricate tale which they had distilled from the ancient Giantish story of Bahgoon the Unbearable and Thelma Twofist who tamed him。 Troy had never heard it before; and it delighted him。
 He was reluctant to lose this pleased and fortable mood; so when the Lords left the hall with the Lorewardens to speak with them concerning the tidings which Runnik had brought from Sarangrave Flat; Troy did not acpany them。 Instead; he accepted Drinishok's invitation; and went to spend the night in the old Sword…Elder's home。
 High in one of the outer trees; in a chamber woven of leaves and branches; he and Drinishok sat up for a long time; drinking springwine and discussing the war。 Drinishok was excited by the prospect of the battle; and he avowed that only Revelwood's need for a strong defense kept him from marching with the Warward。 As always; he showed a swift grasp of Troy's ideas; and when the Warmark finally went to bed the only immediate blot on his private satisfaction was the mystery of Trell。
 The breeze in the branches lulled him into a fine sleep; and he awoke early the next morning feeling eager for the new day。 He was amused but not surprised to find that his host was up and away before him; he knew the rigorous schedule of the Loresraat。 He bathed and dressed; pulled his high boots over his black leggings; and carefully adjusted his headband and his sunglasses。 After a quick breakfast; he spent a few moments polishing his breastplate and his gleaming ebony sword。 When he was properly appareled as the Warmark of the Lords' Warward; he left Drinishok's chambers; moved to the central tree; and started up it toward the lookout of Revelwood。
 On a small platform in the uppermost branches of the Tree; he joined the two students on watch duty。 While he exchanged pleasantries with them; he breathed the crisp autumn air and studied the whole length and breadth of the Valley of Two Rivers。 In the west; he could see the snow crests of the mountains。 He was not being cautious; looking for danger。 He loved the fertile hills of Trothgard; and he wanted to fix them in his mind so that he would never forget them。 If something were to strike him down during the ing war; he wanted to be sure to the very end; death or blindness; that he had in fact seen this place。
 He was still in the lookout when he heard the signal for the gathering of the Loresraat。
 At once; he took leave of the two students; and started down the Tree。 Shortly; he reached the wide; roofless bowl of the gathering place。 High in the city; on a frame of four heavy boughs radiating from the central trunk; the shapers of Revelwood had woven
 an immense net of banyan roots and hung it around the central trunk。 It formed a wide basin supported by the four boughs and anchored by the roots themselves in each of the six outer trees。 The result was the viane; a meeting place large enough for half the population of the city。 People sat on the roots and dangled their feet through the gaps of the net。
 These gaps were rarely larger than a foot square; but they made the viane ;an uneasy experience for novices。 However; the people of Revelwood moved and even ran lightly over the net。 Warmark Troy; with a blind man's alert; careful feet; was able to walk confidently away from the central trunk to join Drinishok and the other Sword Lorewardens where they stood partway up one side of the bowl。
 Lord Amatin was already there; talking intently with a cluster of Staff Lorewardens and advanced students。 Most of the Bloodguard were stationed around the edge of the net; and past them came a steady flow of Revelwood's inhabitants。 As Troy joined Drinishok; he caught sight of Lord Mhoram moving across the bowl toward Amatin。 If the viane caused Mhoram any anxiety; he did not show it; he strode boldly from root to root with his staff held in the crook of his arm。
 Soon High Lord Elena arrived in the pany of the Staff…Elder; Asuraka。 Troy was taken slightly aback; he had expected her to be with Corimini; the Eldest of the Loresraat。 But when Corimini entered the bowl; he brought with him ur…Lord Covenant。 Troy saw what had happened。 The Loresraat ranked Covenant above Elena; and so the highest honor of Revelwood's hospitality; the invitation of the Eldest; had gone to the Unbeliever。 This nettled Troy; he did not like to see the High Lord slighted in favor of Covenant。 But he consoled himself by watching the sick look with which Covenant regarded the net and fall below it。
 Shortly all the Lorewardens were in their places。 The sides of the viane; and the branches overhead; thronged with the people of Revelwood。 Covenant clung to a root over one of the supporting boughs; and Bar or crouched protectively near him。
 The Lords and Warmark Troy sat in a fanned group with the Elder Lorewardens; facing south; and Corimini stood before them; looking out over the assembly with a dignified mien。 When all the people were still; hushed and expectant; he began the …ceremonies of the meeting。
 He and the High Lord exchanged traditional salutations; and sang to each other the ritual invocations which they considered appropriate to the purpose of the meeting。 Their stately alternation spun a mood of reverent seriousness over the viane; wrapped all the people together as if it were weaving them into the grim and wondrous history of the Land。 Under the influence of the ceremonies; Troy was almost able to forget that half of what was said and sung was intended to honor' the white gold wielder。
 But Covenant did not look as if he were being honored。 He sat with an awkward stiffness; as if the point of a knife were pressed against his spine。
 After the; last song was done; Corimini gazed at Covenant in silence; giving the Unbeliever a chance to speak。 But the glare which Covenant returned almost made the Eldest wince。 He turned away; and said; 〃High Lord Elena; Lord Mhoram; Lord Amatin; Warmark Troy; be wele in the viane of Revelwood。 We are the Loresraat; the seekers and servants of Kevin's Lore。 We gather to honor you…and to offer you the help of all our knowledge in the name of the approaching war。 The preservation of Land and Lore is in your hands; as the mystery of Land and Lore is in ours。 If there is any way in which we may aid you; only speak of it; and we will put forth all our strength to meet the need。〃
 With a deep bow; High Lord Elena replied formally; 〃The gathering of the Loresraat honors us; and I am honored to speak before the people of Revelwood。〃 Troy thought that he had rarely seen her look more radiant。 〃Eldest; Elders; Lorewardens; students of the Sword and Staff; friends of the Land my friends; in the name of all the Lords; I thank you。 We will never be defeated while such faithfulness is alive in the Land。
 〃My friends; there are matters of which I would speak。 I do not speak of the danger that war brings to Revelwood。 The Lore of the Sword will not neglect your defense。 And Lord Amatin will remain with you; to do all that a Lord may do to preserve the Valley of Two Rivers。〃
 A cheer started up on the edges of the bowl; but she stopped it with a manding glance; and went on; 〃More; I do not speak of Stonedowns and Woodhelvens which will be destroyed by war…or of people made homeless。 I know that the dispossessed of this war will find here all fort and relief and restitution that human hearts may ask or give。 This is sure; and requires no urging。
 〃More; I do not speak of any need for mastery of Kevin's Lore。 You have given your best strength; and have achieved much。 You will give and achieve more。 All these matters are secure in your fidelity。
 〃But there are two questions of which I must speak。〃 A change in the cadence of her voice showed that she was approaching the heart of her reasons for ing to Revelwood。 〃The second concerns a stranger who has visited Lord's Keep。 But the first is one which was presented to you a year ago…at the request of Warmark Hile Troy。〃 She offered Troy a chance to speak; but he declined with a shake of his head; and she continued; 〃It is our hope that the Loresraat has discovered a way to speak and hear messages across distances。 The Warmark believes that such a way will be of great value in this war。〃
 Cormini's look of satisfaction revealed his answer before he spoke it。 〃High Lord; we have learned a way。〃 Troy's heart surged at the news; and he gripped the handle of his sword。 His battle plan appeared suddenly flawless。 He was grinning broadly as the Eldest went on; 〃Several of our best students and Lorewardens have devoted themselves to this need。 And they were aided by Hirebrands of the lillianrill。 With the Hirebrands and two students; Staff…E

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