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小说: srdonaldson.theillearthwar 字数: 每页4000字

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ogether。 The Eoward had to retreat。
 It was a grim and silent struggle。 After the first hungry yell of the attack; Fleshharrower's army fought with dumb; maniacal ferocity。 And the warriors had no strength for shouts or cries。 Only the tumult of feet; and the clash of weapons; and the moans of the maimed and dying; and the barking of orders; punctuated the mute engagement。 Yet Lord Mhoram felt these clenched sounds like a deafening din; they seemed to echo off his dread。 The effort to ignore the battle and concentrate on his work squeezed sweat out of his bones; made his pulse hammer like a prisoner against his temples。
 When …traditional names and invocations failed to bring the Forestal; he began using signs and arcane
 symbols。 He drew pentacles and circles on the grass with his staff; set fires burning within them; waved eldritch gestures over them。 He murmured labyrinthian chants under his breath。
 All were useless。 The silence of the Deep's gloom sounded like laughter in his ears。
 Yet the sounds of killing came steadily nearer。 All the valiance of the warriors was not enough; they were driven back。
 Troy heard the retreat also。 At last he could no longer contain himself。 〃Dear God; Mhoram!'' he whispered urgently。 〃They are being butchered。〃
 Mhoram spun on Troy; raging; 〃Do you think I am unaware?〃 But when he beheld the Warmark; he stopped。 He could see Troy's torment。 The sting of sweat made the Warmark's burns flame garishly; they throbbed with pain。 His hands groped aimlessly about him; as if he were lost。 He was blind。 For all his power to plan and conceive; he was helpless to execute even the simplest of his ideas。
 Lord Mhoram wrenched his anger into another channel。 With its strength; he made his decision。
 〃Very well; my friend;〃 he breathed heavily。 〃There are other attempts to be made; but perhaps only one is perilous enough to have some hope of success。 Stand ready。 You must take my place if I fall。 Legends say that the song I mean to sing is fatal。〃
 As he strode forward; he felt a new calm。 Confronting his dread; he could see that it was only fear。 He had met and mastered its kindred when a Raver had laid hands on him。 And the knowledge he had gained then could save the Wayward now。 With peril in his eyes; he went toward the Deep until he was among the first trees。 There he ignited his staff and raised it over his head; carefully holding it away from any of the branches。 Then he began to sing。
 The words came awkwardly to his lips; and the accents of the melody seemed to miss their beats。 He was singing a song to which no former Lord had ever given utterance。 It was one of the dark mysteries of the Land; forbidden because of the hazard it earned。 Yet the words of the song were clear and simple。 Their
 peril lay elsewhere。 According to Kevin's Lore; they belonged like cherished treasure to the Forestall of the One Forest。 The forestall slew all mortals who profaned those words。
 Nevertheless; Lord Mhoram lifted up his voice and sang them boldly。
 Branches spread and tree trunks grow
 Through rain and heat and snow and cold: Though wide world's winds untimely blow;
 And earthquakes rock and cliff unseal;
 My leaves grow green and seedlings bloom。
 Since days before the Earth was old And Time began its walk to doom;
 The Forests world's bare rock anneal;
 Forbidding dusty waste and death。
 I am the Land's Creator's hold: I inhale all expiring breath;
 And breathe out life to bind and heal。
 As his singing faded into the distance; he heard the reply。 Its music far surpassed his own。 It seemed to fall from the branches like leaves bedewed with rare melody…to fall and flutter around him; so that he stared as if he were dazzled。 The voice had a light; high; clear sound; like a splashing brook; but the power it implied filled him with awe。
 But ax and fire leave me dead。
 I know the hate of hands grown bold。 Depart to save your heart…sap's red:
 My hate knows neither rest nor weal。
 A shimmer of music rippled his sight。 When it cleared; he saw Caerroil Wildwood walking toward him across the greensward。
 The Forestal was a tall man with a long white beard and flowing white hair。 He wore a robe of purest samite; and carried a gnarled wooden rod like a scepter in the crook of one arm。 A garland of purple and
 white orchids about his neck only heightened his austere dignity。 He appeared out of the gloaming of the Deep as if he had stepped from behind a veil; and he moved like a monarch between the trees。 They nodded to him as he passed。 With every step; he scattered droplets of melody about him as if his whole person were drenched in song。 His sparkling voice softened the severity of his mien。 But his eyes were not soft。 From under his thick white brows; a silver light shone from orbs without pupil or iris; and his glances had the force of physical impact。
 Still humming the refrain of his song; he approached Lord Mhoram。 His gaze held the Lord motionless until they were almost within arm's reach of each other。 Mhoram felt himself being probed。 The sound of music continued; and some time passed before he realized that the Forestal was speaking to him; asking him; 〃Who dares taint my song?〃
 With an effort; Lord Mhoram set aside his awe to answer; 〃Caerroil Wildwood; Forestal and servant of the Tree…soul; please pardon my presumption。 I intend no offense or taint。 But my need is urgent; surpassing both fear and caution。 I am Mhoram son of Variol; Lord of the Council of Revelstone; and a defender of the Land in tree and rock。 I seek a boon; Caerroil Wildwood。〃
 〃A boon?〃 the Forestal mused musically。 〃You bring a fire among my trees; and then ask a boon? You are a fool; Mhoram son of Variol。 I make no bargains with men。 I grant no boons to any creature with knowledge of blade or flame。 Begone。〃 He did not raise his voice or sharpen his song; but the might of his mand made Mhoram stagger。
 〃Forestal; hear me。〃 Mhoram strove to keep his voice calm。 〃I have used this fire only to gain your notice。〃 Extinguishing his staff; he lowered it to the ground and gripped it as a brace against the Forestal's refusal。 〃I am a Lord; a servant of the Earthpower。 Since the Lords began; all have sworn all their might to the preservation of Land and Forest。 We love and honor the wood of the world。 I have done no harm to
 these trees…and never shall; though you refuse my boon and condemn the Land to fire and death。〃
 Humming as if to himself; Caerroil Wildwood said; 〃I know nothing of Lords。 They are nothing to me。 But I know men; mortals。 The Ritual of Desecration is not forgotten in the Deep。〃
 〃Yet hear me; Caerroil Wildwood。〃 Mhoram could feel the sounds of battle beating against his back。 But he remembered what he had learned of the history of the One Forest; and remained steady; serene。 〃I do not ask a boon for which I can make no return。 Forestal; I offer you a Raven〃
 At the word Raven Caerroil Wildwood changed。 The dewy; glistening aura of his music took on an inflection of anger。 His eyes darkened; their silver light gave way to thunderheads。 Mist spread from his orbs; and drifted upward through his eyebrows。 But he said nothing; and Mhoram continued。
 〃The people of the Land fight a war against the Despiser; the ancient tree ravager。 His great army has driven us here; and the last battle now rages in Cravenhaw。 Without your aid; we will surely be destroyed。 But with our death; the Land bees defenseless。 Then the tree ravager will make war upon all the Forest…upon the trees in beautiful Andelain; upon slumbering Grimmerdhore and restless Morinmoss。 In the end; he will attack the Deep and you。 He must be defeated now。〃
 The Forestal appeared unmoved by this appeal。 Instead of replying to it; he hummed darkly; 〃You spoke of a Raven〃
 〃The army which destroys us even now is manded by a Raver; one of the three decimators of the One Forest。〃
 〃Give me a token that you speak the truth。〃
 Lord Mhoram did not dare hesitate。 Though the ground he trod was pletely trackless; unmapped by any lore but his own intuition; he answered promptly; 〃He is moksha Raver; also named Jehannum and Fleshharrower。 In ages long past; he and turiya his brother taught the despising of trees to the once friendly Demondim。 Samadhi his brother guided the
 monarch of Doriendor Corishev when that mad king sought to master the life and death of the One Forest。〃
 〃Moksha Raven〃 Caerroil Wildwood trilled lightly; dangerously。 〃I have a particular hunger for Ravers。〃
 〃Their might is greatly increased now。 They share the unnatural power of the Illearth Stone。〃
 〃I care nothing for that;〃 the Forestal replied almost brusquely。 〃But you offered m Raver to me。 How can that be done; when he defeats you even now?〃
 The sounds of battle came inexorably nearer as the Warward was driven back。 Lord Mhoram heard less bat and more slaughter with every passing moment。 And he could feel Warmark Troy panting behind him。 With all his hard won serenity; he answered; 〃That is the boon I ask; Caerroil Wildwood。 I ask safe passage for all my people through Garroting Deep。 This boon will deliver moksha Raver into your hands。 He and all his army; all his ur…viles and Cavewights and creatures; will be yours。

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